Wednesday, December 30, 2009 Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year, New Life.

well, a new year will be rolled out, so I made my new year's resolution..
Here's mine :

I hope I can fulfill them all :)

Forget bad memories,
and forget the pain,
Forget the tears,
and forget the rain.
Hold on to nothing,
and let a true love go.
Hold on to lessons,
and let feelings show.
Believe in change,
learn from wrongs.
Believe in yourself,
learn to be strong.
Remember happiness,
but don't dwell in the past.
Remember depression,
make good times last.
Cherish your family,
Cherish your friends.
Remember good moments,
and accept that they end.
Move on with relationship,
Don't cling onto vain hope.
Learn to accept change,
and learn to better cope.
Manage your emotions,
but don't hide them away.
Manage a schedule,
but live the fullest days.
Enjoy life as it comes,
don't strive to out do.
Remember this year past,
and live life just for you.  

*love this poem..  


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CHRISTMAS parteeyy.. :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

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